JUST IN: Carlo Pernat on Ducati’s decision: “Suddenly the strategy changed, with..

### Ducati Faces Criticism Over Strategic Shift in MotoGP Team Composition

In a surprising move that has sent shockwaves through the MotoGP community, Ducati has come under scrutiny for its recent decision to part ways with several young talents within its racing team. The decision, which has been described as a strategic pivot by Ducati management, has sparked heated debates among fans, experts, and insiders alike.

The controversy stems from Ducati’s longstanding reputation for nurturing young talent and integrating them into its competitive MotoGP lineup. Historically, the Italian manufacturer has been known for its bold approach in scouting and developing promising riders, often opting to invest in youthful potential rather than relying solely on established veterans.

However, the recent decision marks a departure from this tradition. Carlo Pernat, a respected figure in the MotoGP world, expressed his dismay over Ducati’s shift in strategy, emphasizing the potential repercussions of letting go of young riders who could potentially bolster other manufacturers’ teams.

“Suddenly the strategy changed, with young people being let go and therefore going to strengthen other manufacturers,” remarked Pernat in a candid assessment of Ducati’s move. “I wouldn’t have done it, given that the strategy used recently worked.”

Pernat’s sentiments reflect broader concerns within the MotoGP community regarding Ducati’s strategic direction. The decision comes at a pivotal moment for the team, which has been striving to maintain its competitive edge amidst fierce competition from rivals such as Yamaha, Honda, and Suzuki.


Ducati has built a legacy in MotoGP by blending innovation with a keen eye for emerging talent. Over the years, the manufacturer has introduced several young riders who have gone on to achieve notable success on the international stage. This approach not only revitalizes the team’s lineup but also ensures continuity and long-term competitiveness.

The decision to shift away from this model has raised questions about the rationale behind Ducati’s strategic pivot. While management has yet to provide detailed insights into their decision-making process, speculation within the paddock suggests that financial considerations and a desire for immediate results may have influenced the move.

The announcement has sparked a wave of reactions from fans and experts alike, with many expressing disappointment and concern over the potential implications for Ducati’s future performance. The decision to prioritize short-term gains over long-term development has been met with skepticism, particularly given the unpredictable nature of MotoGP racing and the importance of nurturing talent for sustained success.

“The strength of Ducati has always been its ability to innovate and cultivate young talent,” noted one fan on social media. “This sudden shift in strategy could undermine their competitive edge in the long run.”

Experts within the sport have also weighed in on the controversy, highlighting the risks associated with deviating from a proven formula. “Ducati’s decision to let go of young riders could have significant consequences for their competitiveness,” remarked a seasoned MotoGP analyst. “In a sport where talent development is crucial, maintaining a balanced approach is key to sustained success.”


In response to the criticism, Ducati has reaffirmed its commitment to competitiveness and innovation while hinting at upcoming announcements regarding its revised team composition. The manufacturer remains optimistic about its prospects in the upcoming season but acknowledges the importance of aligning its strategy with evolving market dynamics and competitive pressures.

Looking ahead, Ducati faces a critical juncture as it navigates the complexities of MotoGP competition. The decision to recalibrate its team composition reflects a calculated gamble aimed at enhancing short-term performance. However, the long-term implications of this strategy shift remain uncertain, leaving fans and stakeholders alike eager for further developments.

As the 2024 MotoGP season approaches, all eyes will be on Ducati as they strive to justify their strategic decisions and reclaim their position at the forefront of motorcycle racing. Whether the gamble pays off or not, one thing remains certain: the world of MotoGP will continue to be shaped by Ducati’s willingness to innovate and adapt in pursuit of excellence on the track.

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